Living With Dyslexia

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Dyslexia

I had a question the other day about dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a learning problem that makes it hard to read, write, and spell.

It happens because the brain jumbles or mixes up letters and words.

Children with dyslexia often have a poor memory of spoken and written words.

Having dyslexia doesn’t mean your ability to learn is below average.

In fact, many people with dyslexia are very bright.

But not being able to read well can make many areas of learning difficult.

Experts don’t know for sure what causes dyslexia.

But it often runs in families, so it may be passed from parents to children.

Also, some studies have found problems with how your brain links letters and words with the sounds they make.

Dyslexia isn’t caused by poor vision, and people with dyslexia don’t see letters and words backwards.

Signs of dyslexia in children who are too young for school include:

>Talking later than expected.

>Being slow to learn new words.

>Problems rhyming.

>Problems following directions that have many steps.

After a child begins school, the signs of dyslexia include:

>Problems reading single words, such as a word on a flash card.

>Problems linking letters with sounds.

>Confusing small words, such as “at” and “to.”

>Reversing the shapes of written letters such as “d” for “b.”

For example, the child may write “dat” instead of “bat.”

>Writing words backward, such as “tip” for “pit.”

If your child has one of these signs, it doesn’t mean he or she has dyslexia.

Many children reverse letters before age 7.

But if your child has several signs and reading problems, or if you have a family history of dyslexia, you may want to have your child checked for this.

Treatment uses a number of teaching methods to help your child read better.

To deal with dyslexia at home it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily hydrates body and brain cells and flushes toxins (whether thirsty or not!).

*Increase essential fats (flax oil, olive oil, Omega-3 oils).

*Increase life-giving, enzyme and nutrient rich, fresh, RAW fruits and veggies (preferably organic); consider fresh juicing.

*Consider hair analysis to determine heavy metal toxicity.

*Support liver and colon; consider liver and/or colon cleanse.

*Ensure daily (2x) bowel movements.

*Maintain exercise regimen, relaxation techniques.

*Increase oxygen with deep breathing exercises, yoga, etc.

*Review my post on candida as it may play a contributing role.

*Consider orthomolecular (high doses of vitamins and minerals) treatment under guidance of qualified practitioner.

*Consider energy medicine or mind/body/spirit techniques.

*Decrease and and all toxic exposures because they can harm brain cells and function.

*Decrease “hidden allergies” and sensitivities (food and/or environmental) that may trigger or aggravate condition.

*Decrease toxic cleaning, laundry and personal care products.

*Decrease indoor and outdoor environmental pollutants/sensitivities.

*Decrease toxins/heavy metals exposure in the workplace, with hobbies, etc.

*Decrease hydrogenated and/or trans fat containing products.

*Decrease “lifeless” processed, instant, fast, junk, packaged foods.

*Decrease sugar, white flour products, sweets.

*Decrease dairy; wheat products (check for gluten sensitivity).

*Decrease chemical additives, preservatives, pesticides, etc.

*Avoid MSG and all artificial sweeteners because they are neurotoxins.

*Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine.

*Consider effects of metal dental amalgams and other dental work; consult a holistic dentist.

*Decrease blood sugar fluctuations and hypoglycemic tendencies.


It is essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, B-Complex, Mental Acuity, Lecithin, OmegaGuard, Alfalfa, Optiflora.

It is important to use:  Mental Acuity, CoQHeart, VitalMag, Vitamin D, Vitamin ECarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Vivix.

It is beneficial to use:  CorEnergy, Zinc, Garlic, Glucose Regulation Complex.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about dyslexia, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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