5 Simple Ways to Green Your Holiday and Wallet

5 Simple Ways to Green Your Holiday and Wallet

Shaklee Health Wise

This holiday season we want to help you go green and save some green too! With these five simple tips you can reduce your energy bill, help the environment, and overall feel good about yourself.

  1.  Recycle or compost the Christmas tree. If you celebrate this holiday season with a real tree don’t just dump it, consider curbside pick-up for composting or drop-off programs. Earth 911 offers a few great solutions, and they’ll even help you find your local tree recycling program.
  2. High energy bills each month? If you’re not up for an energy audit which can cost upward of $500 consider investing in some caulk and sealing those windows! According to CNN this could reduce your energy bill by 20%!
  3. Having people over for a holiday feast? Consider going waste-free using reusable napkins, dishes you can wash, and composting all your leftovers! Involve and challenge your guests, too! You’ll help the environment and not spend all that extra money on paper napkins, plates, and silverware!
  4.  Green your gift wrapping or at the very least your bows and ribbons by making your very own, using no staples or tape and your old magazines!
  5. Stay well this holiday season!  Check out our tips for staying healthy, eating healthy, and why supplementation is important.

Here’s to a happy and green holiday, and don’t forget the gift of a Shaklee product or membership is always a gift of saving and value!

5 Simple Ways to Green Your Holiday and Wallet

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