Living With Measles

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Measles I had a question the other day about measles. The medical name for measles is rubeola. Measles is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease occurring mainly in children. Its symptoms are fever, cough, severe runny nose, inflammation of the lining of the eyelids (like “pink eye”), a…

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Living With Chickenpox

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Chickenpox I had a question the other day about chickenpox. The medical term for this is varicella. Chickenpox is a common illness causing an itchy rash and red spots or blisters (pox) all over your body. It’s most common in children, but most people will get chickenpox at…

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Living With Bed-wetting

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Bed-wetting I had a question the other day about bed-wetting. The medical term for this is enuresis. Bed-wetting at night is the most common problem although there’s a daytime version also. Some children experience a combination of both. This behavior may or may not be purposeful. The condition…

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Living With Cancer

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Cancer In memory of Meredith. I had a question the other day about cancer. This is a topic with very personal meaning to me. I am a breast cancer survivor, having gone through a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and reconstruction. In addition, I lost my sister-in-law to ovarian…

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Living With Diverticulitis

A Holistic Approach To Health Living With Diverticulitis I had a question the other day about diverticulitis. Diverticulosis happens when pouches (diverticula) form in the wall of your colon. If these pouches get inflamed or infected, it’s called diverticulitis. Diverticulitis can be very painful. Doctors aren’t sure what causes the pouches to form in your…

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Living With Celiac Disease

A Holistic Approach To Health Living With Celiac Disease For Henry I had a question the other day about celiac disease.  I have a nephew with celiac disease. Celiac disease is a problem some people have with foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a protein found in foods like bread, crackers, and pasta. With celiac…

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