Living With a Bone Marrow Transplant

A Natural Approach To Health

bone marrow

Living With a Bone Marrow Transplant

I had a question the other day about a bone marrow transplant.

Bone marrow is a spongy material inside your bones where your body makes and stores blood cells.

When it’s damaged, it makes too few blood cells and not enough cells for your immune system.

A transplant replaces damaged bone marrow with healthy marrow cells.

It can cure certain diseases or some types of cancer.

It’s also a long recovery process with a risk of serious side effects.

Certain types of cancer, like leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, can destroy your bone marrow.

So can some cancer treatments, like high doses of chemotherapy or radiation.

A bone marrow transplant can help you if you have a severe form of anemia.

It might also help with certain kinds of autoimmune diseases.

Family members are usually good bone marrow matches, but doctors can also look for a donor in a national registry.

The chances of finding a match are better if two people are the same race or ethnicity.

The recovery process is different for everyone, but you’ll probably spend several weeks or months in the hospital after a bone marrow transplant.

Your immune system will be weak, so you’ll take medicines to prevent infections.

You may also need blood transfusions.

To deal with thyroid cancer, it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily to keep hydrated and flush toxins, whether thirsty or not.  Add Performance for electrolytes.

*Astragalus boosts your immune system and generates anticancer cells in your body.  It’s also a powerful antioxidant and protects your liver from toxins (don’t use if you have a fever).

*Bayberry, fenugreek, hawthorn, horehound, and red clover all enhance your immune response.

*Black radish, dandelion, and milk thistle help to cleanse your bloodstream.

*Begin a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw) plus nuts, seeds, grains, and other foods high in fiber.

*Include in your diet chlorella, garlic, and pearl barley.  These foods contain a trace element beneficial to your immune system.  Also add kelp to your diet, in the form of giant red kelp or brown kelp.

*Consume “green drinks” daily.  The best contain a wide variety of plants and are organic.

*Avoid animal products, processed foods, sugar, and soda.

*Follow a fasting program once a month to rid your body of toxins that can weaken your immune system.

*Use spirulina, especially while fasting.  Spirulina is a naturally digestible food that help protect your immune system.  It supplies many nutrients needed for cleansing and healing.

*Be sure to get enough sleep.  As much as possible, avoid stress.  Learn relaxation and stress management techniques to help you deal with stresses you can’t avoid.

*Get regular moderate exercise (but don’t overdo it).  Exercise reduces stress and elevates mood, which has a positive effect on immune response.

*Avoid overeating.

*Don’t smoke or consume beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.

*Don’t take any recreational drugs.

*Because of potential low-level radiation leakage, avoid microwave ovens.  Don’t sit close to TV sets – sit at least 8′ away.

*Avoid chemicals like hair sprays, cleaning compounds, waxes, fresh paints, and garden pesticides.

*Use a shower head that removes the chlorine from your water.

*Detoxify, detoxify, detoxify.

If you’re dealing with a bone marrow transplant, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Optiflora, Performance, Vitamin C, B-Complex.

It’s important to use:  NutriFeron, Immunity Formula, Vivix, OmegaGuard, GLA, Lecithin.

It’s beneficial to use:  Stress Relief Complex, Pain Relief Complex, Gentle Sleep Complex, Stomach Soothing Complex, 180 Tea.

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PS:  If you have any questions about bone marrow transplant, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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