A Natural Approach To Health
Living With a Weakened Immune System
I had a question the other day about a weakened immune system.
Modern conventional medicine battles disease directly by using drugs, surgery, radiation, and other therapies, but true health can only be achieved by keeping a healthy, properly functioning immune system.
It’s your immune system that fights off disease-causing microorganisms and engineers the healing process.
Your immune system is the key to fighting every kind of attack on your body, from the little shaving nick to the tons of viruses around these days.
Even the aging process may be more closely related to how well your immune system functions than to the passage of time.
Having a weakened immune system results in increased susceptibility to virtually every type of illness.
Some common signs of weakened immune function include fatigue, listlessness, repeated infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhea, and infections.
It’s estimated even healthy Americans get one billion colds per year altogether.
People who have more colds and infectious illnesses are likely to have some problem with immune function.
By understanding some of the basics of your immune system and how it works, plus the overall role the immune system plays in your health, you can take responsibility for your own health.
In its simplest terms, the job of your immune system is to identify those things naturally belonging in your body and those that are foreign or harmful, and then to neutralize or destroy the foreign material.
Your immune system is unlike other bodily systems because it isn’t a group of physical structures but a system of complex interactions of many different organs, structures, and substances.
Ideally, all of these parts work together to protect your body against infection and disease.
White blood cells are considered your body’s first line of defense.
They’re larger than red blood cells.
In addition, they can move independently in your bloodstream and are able to pass through cell walls.
This lets them travel quickly to the site of an injury or infection.
Another important part of immunity is your lymphatic system.
This system includes your spleen, thymus, tonsils, and lymph nodes and fluid, called lymph.
Your lymphatic system provides a continuous cleansing at the cellular level.
It’s through your lymphatic system that fluid from the spaces between cells is drained, taking with it waste products, toxins, and other debris from your tissues.
Your spleen filters your blood and removes old red blood cells that need replacing.
People whose spleens have been removed tend to be more prone to illness because these important functions are no longer performed.
Marvelous as it is, your immune system can work as it should only if it’s cared for correctly.
This means getting all the right nutrients and providing the right environment, plus avoiding the things that depress immunity.
Many things in your environment compromise your immune systems’ defensive abilities.
The chemicals in your household cleaners; the overuse of antibiotics and other drugs; the antibiotics, pesticides, and many additives present in your foods; and exposure to environmental pollutants all place a strain on your immune system.
Another factor adversely affecting your immune system is stress.
Stress suppresses the normal activity of white blood cells and places extra demands on your endocrine system, as well as depletes your body of needed nutrients.
The result is impaired healing ability and lowered defense against infection.
Proper immune function is an intricate balancing act.
While inadequate immunity predisposes you to infectious illness of all types, it’s also possible to become ill as a result of an immune response that’s too strong or misdirected.
Many different disorders, including allergies, lupus, pernicious anemia, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 1 diabetes have been linked to inappropriate immune system activity.
Consequently, they’re known as autoimmune, or “self-attacking-self,” disorders.
While a lot is known about how the immune system works, much more remains to be learned.
The program of supplements outlined here is designed to strengthen your immune system, whether it’s damaged as a result of disease, stress, inadequate nutrition, poor living habits, chemotherapy, or a combination of one or more of these things.
To deal with a weakened immune system it’s beneficial to:
*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily hydrates body and brain cells and flushes toxins (whether thirsty or not!).
*Astragalus boosts your immune system and generates anticancer cells in your body. It’s also a powerful antioxidant and protects your liver from toxins (don’t use if you have a fever).
*Bayberry, fenugreek, hawthorn, horehound, and red clover all enhance your immune response.
*Black radish, dandelion, and milk thistle help to cleanse your liver and your bloodstream.
*Boxthorn seed, suma, and wisteria contain germanium, a trace element that helps immune function and has anticancer properties.
*Take an inventory of the factors that may be compromising your immune system and take steps to correct them. Two of the most common immune suppressors include stress and an incorrect diet, especially a diet high in fat and refined processed foods. Obesity also dampens immune function.
*Supply your immune system with enough nutrients to promote proper immune function.
*Begin a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably raw and organic) plus nuts, seeds, grains, and other food high in fiber.
*Include in your diet chlorella, garlic, and pearl barley.
*Consume “green drinks” daily. The best contain a wide variety of plants and are organic.
*Avoid animal products, processed foods, sugar, and soda.
*Be sure to get enough sleep.
If you’re dealing with a weakened immune system, try these (100% money-back guarantee):
It’s essential to use: VitaLea, Protein, OmegaGuard, Optiflora, CoQHeart, Garlic, Lecithin, Vivix, B-Complex, Vitamin C.
It’s important to use: Vitamin E, Zinc, DTX, Alfalfa, NutriFeron, Herb-Lax, Fiber, Vitamin D, CarotoMax, FlavoMax.
It’s beneficial to use: VitalMag, Immunity Formula, 180 Energy Tea.
email: lenay@dickandlenay.com
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