Living With Aluminum Toxicity

A Natural Approach To Health



Living With Aluminum Toxicity

I had a question the other day about aluminum toxicity.

Aluminum isn’t a heavy metal, but it can be toxic even in small amounts if it’s deposited in your brain.

Many of the symptoms of aluminum toxicity are similar to those of Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis.

Aluminum toxicity can cause colic, rickets, gastrointestinal disturbances, poor calcium metabolism, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances, memory loss, softening of your bones, and weak, aching muscles.

Because aluminum is excreted through your kidneys, toxic amounts of aluminum may impair kidney function.

Aluminum salts accumulating in your brain may cause seizures and reduced mental faculties.

To reach your brain, aluminum must pass the blood-brain barrier, an elaborate structure filtering your blood before it reaches your brain.

Although elemental aluminum doesn’t easily pass through this barrier, some aluminum compounds do, like aluminum fluoride.

Many municipal water supplies are treated with both alum (aluminum sulfate) and fluoride, and these 2 chemicals combine in your blood.

And, aluminum fluoride is very poorly eliminated in your urine.

Absorption of high levels of aluminum and silicon prevents nerve impulses from being carried to and from your brain correctly.

Calcium deficiency can worsen the situation.

People who’ve worked in aluminum plants for a long time have been known to have dizziness, impaired coordination, and loss of balance and energy.

Maybe most alarming, there’s evidence to suggest long-term accumulation of aluminum in your brain may contribute to developing Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s been estimated the average person ingests between 3 and 10 mg of aluminum a day.

Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element in the earth’s crust.

It’s absorbed into your body mainly through your digestive tract, but also through your lungs and skin, and accumulates in your tissues.

Because aluminum permeates our air, water, and soil, it’s found naturally in almost all food and water.

Aluminum is also used to make cookware, cooking utensils, and foil.

Many other everyday products contain aluminum, including over-the-counter painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and douches.

Aluminum is an additive in most baking powders, is used in food processing, and is present in products ranging from antiperspirants and toothpaste to dental amalgams, bleached flour, grated cheese, table salt, and beer (especially when packaged in aluminum cans).

A major source of aluminum is our municipal water supplies.

The excessive use of antacids is one of the most common causes of aluminum toxicity, especially in people who have kidney problems.

Many over-the-counter antacids contain more aluminum than your kidneys can excrete.

Even antacids containing a mixture of aluminum and other ingredients may pose a problem.

And, the chemical solution used during kidney dialysis contains aluminum.

It may be associated with “dialysis dementia.”

To deal with aluminum toxicity it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily as it hydrates body and brain cells and flushes toxins (whether thirsty or not!).

*Burdock root, echinacea, fiber, ginkgo biloba and ginseng when taken regularly, are beneficial for blocking damage to your body by toxic heavy metals and radiation.  (Don’t take echinacea for longer than 3 months or if you’re allergic to ragweed.  Don’t take ginkgo biloba if you have a bleeding disorder, or are scheduled for surgery or a dental procedure.  Don’t use ginseng if you have high blood pressure, or are pregnant or nursing.)

*Eat a diet high in fiber and including apple pectin.

*Use only stainless steel, glass, or iron cookware.  Stainless steel is best.

*Include bottled waters with silica in your diet.

*Consider having a hair analysis done to determine levels of aluminum in your body.

*If you use chelation therapy, use oral chelating agents only.  Many researchers believe aluminum can’t be chelated out of your body, as some metals can, but it can be displaced or moved.

*Some research shows the longer you cook food in aluminum pots, the more they corrode, and the more aluminum compounds get into food and are absorbed by your body.  Aluminum is more readily dissolved by acid-forming foods, like coffee, cheeses, meats, black and green tea, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, turnips, spinach, and radishes.

*Acid rain leaches aluminum out of the soil and into drinking water.

If you’re dealing with aluminum toxicity, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, NutriFeron, Immunity Formula, Alfalfa, Optiflora, Vitamin C, VitalMag.

It’s important to use:  B-Complex, GLA, OmegaGuard, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, Vivix, CoQHeart, Vitamin D, Vitamin E.

It’s beneficial to use:  Garlic, CorEnergy, Zinc, EZ-Gest, 180 Energy Tea.

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PS:  If you have any questions about aluminum toxicity, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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