Living With Diabetes

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Diabetes

I had a question the other day about diabetes.

This is a topic I am very familiar with.

My mother and grandmother had type 2 diabetes and two of my sons have type 1 diabetes.

Even though there are differences in how the two types occur, much of the management is the same.

Diabetes is basically a problem with your pancreas and its ability to either make or use insulin.

When there isn’t enough insulin or the insulin isn’t used like it should be, glucose (sugar) can’t get into your body’s cells.

When glucose builds up in your blood instead of going into your cells, your cells can’t function correctly.

Symptoms of diabetes vary from person to person, but can include increased thirst, increased hunger (especially after eating), dry mouth, nausea and sometimes vomiting, increased urination, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness or tingling of the hands or feet, frequent infections, and sores that are slow to heal.

With extra care and attention you may be able to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Being overweight or obese is the single most important risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes.

To deal with diabetes it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily.

*Beanpod tea, made up of kidney, white, navy, lima, and northern beans, detoxifies your pancreas.

*Bitter melon, gudmar, and gulvel are herbal remedies used in Ayurvedic medicine to regulate blood sugar levels.

*Cedar berries are excellent nourishment for your pancreas.

*Fenugreek seeds have been shown to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

*Huckleberry helps to promote insulin production.

*Juniper berries have been found to lower blood glucose levels.

*Other herbs that may be beneficial for diabetes include bilberry, buchu, and uva ursi.

*Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet including plenty of organic raw fruits and vegetables, as well as fresh vegetable juices.  This reduces the need for insulin and also lowers the level of fats in your blood.  Fiber helps to reduce blood sugar surges.  For snacks, eat oat or rice bran crackers with nut butter or cheese.  Legumes, root vegetables, and whole grains are also good.

*The types of carbohydrates eaten are at least as important as the total carbohydrate loading.  High-glycemic foods like white rice, white flour products, starchy vegetables, and many processed foods are quickly converted into blood sugar during digestion, causing insulin levels to go up.  Carbohydrates found in low-glycemic foods like asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, green beans, and low-starch vegetables and fruits are converted into blood sugar more slowly, which only gradually raises insulin levels.  Avoiding “white foods” might be best.

*Supplement your diet with spirulina.  Spirulina helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.  Other foods helping normalize blood sugar include berries, dairy products (especially cheese), egg yolks, fish, garlic, kelp, sauerkraut, soybeans, and vegetables.

*Get your protein from vegetable sources, like grains and legumes.  Fish and low-fat dairy products are also acceptable sources of protein.  Kidney function in people with type 2 diabetes seems to benefit from dietary soy protein.  This also raises the level of “good” cholesterol.

*Avoid saturated fats, trans fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, and simple sugars (except when necessary to balance an insulin reaction).  While total fat intake doesn’t seem to change the risk of getting diabetes, the trans saturated fats and hydrogenated oils found in most fast foods can greatly increase the risk.  Beneficial fats and oils include extra virgin olive oil, fish oil, almond oil and butter, avocados, nuts, and seed oils like sesame, flax, sunflower, and pumpkin.  Substituting polyunsaturated fats like these and other vegetable oils also reduces cognitive decline in people with diabetes.  Getting saturated and trans fats out of your diet is key to maintaining good brain function.

*Eat more complex carbohydrates or reduce your insulin dosage before exercise.  Exercise produces an insulin-like effect in your body.

*Don’t take supplements containing large amounts of PABA, and avoid salt and white flour products.  Consumption of these products results in an elevation of blood sugar.

*Don’t take supplements containing the amino acid cysteine.  It breaks down the bonds of insulin and interferes with absorption of insulin by your cells.

*Don’t take extremely large doses of vitamins B1 and C.  Too much may inactivate insulin.  These vitamins may, however, be taken in normal amounts.

*Avoid tobacco in any form; it constricts your blood vessels and inhibits circulation.

*Exercise regularly.

*Moderate coffee consumption (up to 4 cups a day) reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes.

*Manage and/or lose weight; you can follow my weight loss blog at

If you’re dealing with diabetes, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, 180 Weight Loss Plan, Glucose Regulation Complex, B-Complex, Alfalfa, Optiflora, Vivix.

It’s important to use:  DTX, OmegaGuard, GLA, Lecithin, CoQHeart, NutriFeron, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium/Magnesium.

It’s beneficial to use:  CorEnergy, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, Mental Acuity, Garlic, Zinc, Fiber.

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PS:  If you have any questions about diabetes, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.



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