Living With Multiple Sclerosis

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Multiple Sclerosis

For Sue; in memory of Lynn

I had a question the other day about multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis, often called MS, is a disease that affects your central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

It can cause problems with muscle control, strength, vision, balance, feeling, and thinking.

Your nerve cells have a protective covering called myelin.

Without myelin, your brain and spinal cord can’t communicate with the nerves in the rest of your body.

MS gradually destroys myelin in patches throughout your brain and spinal cord.

These patches of damage are called lesions.

MS is different for each person.

You may go through life with only minor problems.

Or you may become seriously disabled.

Most people are somewhere in between.

Generally, MS follows one of four courses:

>Relapsing-remitting, where symptoms fade and then return off and on for many years.

>Secondary progressive, which at first follows a relapsing-remitting course and then becomes progressive.

“Progressive” means it steadily gets worse.

>Primary progressive, where the disease is progressive from the start.

>Progressive relapsing, where symptoms come and go but nerve damage steadily gets worse.

There’s no cure for MS, but it’s not fatal except in rare cases.

The exact cause is unknown, but most experts believe MS is an autoimmune disease (where your immune system mistakenly attacks normal tissues).

Experts don’t know why MS happens to some people but not others.

There may be a genetic link, because the disease seems to run in families.

Where you grew up may also play a role.

MS is more common in those who grew up in colder regions that are farther away from the equator.

Symptoms depend on which parts of your brain and spinal cord are damaged and how bad the damage is.

Early symptoms may include:

>Muscle problems.

You may feel weak and stiff, and your limbs may feel heavy.

You may drag your leg when you walk or have trouble lifting your foot (foot drop).

You may drop things more than usual and be less coordinated.

>Visual problems.

Your vision may be blurred or hazy.

You may have eyeball pain, blindness, or double vision.

Optic neuritis (sudden loss of vision that’s often painful) is a fairly common first symptom.

>Sensory problems.

You may feel tingling, a pins-and-needles sensation, or numbness.

You may feel a band of tightness around your trunk or limbs or a feeling of electricity moving down your back and limbs.

>Balance problems.

You may feel lightheaded or dizzy or feel like you’re spinning.

As MS gets worse, you may have tremors and pain and feel stiff when you move.

You may have problems with controlling urination, swallowing, and thinking clearly.

MS can lead to depression.

Many people with MS are sensitive to heat.

Hot weather, a fever, a hot shower, or too much exercise can make their symptoms worse until they cool down.

MS is very unpredictable.

Your symptoms may suddenly get worse with no warning, or you may go for years without any problems.

Whatever your symptoms are, treatment and self-care can help you maintain your quality of life.

To deal with multiple sclerosis it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily to hydrate and flush toxins.

*Review my post on keeping clean on the inside.

*Breathe easier; purify indoor air.

*Increase essential fats (flax oil, olive oil, Omega-3 oils).

*Consume a 50% raw food diet:  lots of fresh, raw fruits and veggies (organic when possible).  Include fresh juicing.

*Consider liver and colon cleanses.

*Increase exercise, deep breathing, relaxation, stress management and energy techniques.

*Increase fresh air, sunshine, connect to nature, adequate rest.

*Deal with any underlying emotional issues.

*Consider skin brushing, Epsom salt baths, hydrotherapy or add baking soda to bath water.

*Ensure regular (2 per day) bowel movements.

*Decrease toxic exposures of all kinds.

*Investigate and eliminate “hidden” allergies/sensitivities.

*Decrease or eliminate any and all hydrogenated, trans fats, and deep-fried foods.

*Decrease or eliminate sugar-laden foods, white flour products, simple carbs.

*Decrease or eliminate processed, instant, chemical-laden, “lifeless” foods.

*Decrease or eliminate smoking, alcohol, coffee, soda pop, processed juices.

*Become educated about all possible side effects and detrimental influences of any medications or treatment procedures you are taking or considering.

*Research and address underlying Candida issues.

*Avoid MSG and artificial sweeteners as they are neurotoxins.

*Explore dental amalgam toxicity.


It is essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, CoQHeart, OmegaGuard/GLA/Lecithin, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Alfalfa, Optiflora, VitalMag.

It is important to use:  NutriFeron, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Vivix, DTX, Herb-Lax, Fiber, Garlic.

It is beneficial to use:  CorEnergy, Pain Relief Complex, Stress Relief Complex, Gentle Sleep Complex, Joint & Muscle Pain Cream, Performance180 Energizing Tea.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about multiple sclerosis, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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