A Natural Approach To Health

Living With Transverse Myelitis
I had a question the other day about transverse myelitis.
Transverse myelitis is an inflammation of your spinal cord, which often targets insulating material covering nerve cell fibers (myelin).
Transverse myelitis may cause injury across your spinal cord, affecting sensation below the injury.
The disrupted transmission of nerve signals due to transverse myelitis can cause pain or other sensory problems, weakness or paralysis of muscles, or bladder and bowel dysfunction.
Several factors can cause transverse myelitis, including infections and immune system disorders attacking your body’s tissues.
It may also occur because of other myelin disorders, like multiple sclerosis.
Most people with transverse myelitis recover at least partially, but some people with severe attacks are left with major disabilities.
Signs and symptoms of transverse myelitis usually develop over a few hours and worsen over a few days.
Less commonly, signs and symptoms progress gradually over several days to weeks.
Depending on the cause, one or both sides of your body may be affected.
The exact reason for transverse myelitis isn’t known.
In some cases, no cause can be found for transverse myelitis.
People with transverse myelitis usually experience only one acute episode.
However, complications often linger.
To deal with transverse myelitis it’s beneficial to:
*Drink 10 cups of pure water daily, thirsty or not; this prevents toxic buildup in your muscles.
*Alfalfa is a good source of vitamin K.
*Cordyceps is a Chinese herb that helps you assimilate nutrients more efficiently and increases energy.
*Lobelia, skullcap, and valerian root relax your nervous system (use lobelia only under the supervision of a health care professional).
*Eat only organically grown foods with no chemical treatments or additives, including eggs, fruits, gluten-free grains, raw nuts and seeds, vegetables, and cold-pressed vegetable oils.
*Eat plenty of raw sprouts and alfalfa, plus food containing lactic acid, like sauerkraut and dill pickles. Also good are “green drinks” containing plenty of chlorophyll.
*Eat plenty of dark leafy greens. These are good sources of vitamin K.
*Don’t consume any alcohol, barley, chocolate, coffee, dairy products, fried foods, highly seasoned foods, meat, oats, refined foods, rye, salt, spices, sugar, tobacco, wheat, or processed, canned, or frozen foods.
*Take a fiber supplement.
*Never consume saturated fats, processed oils, oils that have been subjected to heat (either in processing or in cooking), or oils that have been stored without refrigeration.
*Have yourself tested for possible food allergies.
*Avoid stress and anxiety.
*Avoid exposure to heat, like hot baths, showers, sunbathing, and overly warm surroundings, and avoid becoming overheated when working or exercising. Avoid exhaustion and viral infections.
*Get periodic massages and regular exercise, and keep mentally active.
*Eat fresh (not canned) pineapple and/or papaya because they contain enzymes that reduce inflammation.
*Explore the use of Arnica (homeopathic remedy).
*Consider Horsetail (herb) tea or extract.
If you’re dealing with transverse myelitis, try these (100% money-back guarantee):
It’s essential to use: Vita-Lea, Protein, Calcium/Magnesium, Vitamin D, Alfalfa, OmegaGuard, GLA.
It’s important to use: B-Complex, Vitamin C, VitalMag, Optiflora, Zinc.
It’s beneficial to use: CoQHeart, EZ-Gest, Vivix, Joint Health Complex, Pain Relief Complex.
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email: lenay@dickandlenay.com
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