Living With Halo Nevi
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Halo Nevi I had a question the other day about halo nevi. A halo nevus is a mole surrounded by a halo of discolored skin (“nevi” means more than one mole). Why halo nevi develop isn’t well understood. But, halo nevi develop from existing moles and are relatively…
Living With Burns
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Burns I had a question the other day about burns. Burns are a potential hazard in any home. There are basically 4 kinds of burn hazards: >Heat burns >Electrical burns >Friction burns >Chemical burns Heat burns Heat burns are caused by contact with fire, steam, hot objects, or…
Living With Hyperkalemia
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Hyperkalemia I had a question the other day about hyperkalemia. If you have hyperkalemia, you have too much potassium in your blood. Your body needs the right balance of potassium to help your heart and other muscles work correctly. But too much potassium in your blood can lead…
Living With Nail-Patella Syndrome
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Nail-Patella Syndrome I had a question the other day about nail-patella syndrome. Nail-patella syndrome is characterized by abnormalities of your nails, knees, elbows, and pelvis. The features of nail-patella syndrome vary in severity between affected individuals, even among members of the same family. Nail abnormalities are seen in…
Living With Epididymitis
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Epididymitis I had a question the other day about epididymitis. The epididymis is a long, tightly coiled tube lying above and behind each testicle. It collects and stores maturing sperm made by your testicles before ejaculation. Inflammation and infection of the epididymis is called epididymitis. The causes of…
Living With Scabies
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Scabies I had a question the other day about scabies. Scabies is a condition of very itchy skin caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin. The itching is caused by an allergic reaction to the mites. Scabies spreads very easily from person to person. It can…

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