Living With Intracranial Hypertension
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Intracranial Hypertension I had a question the other day about intracranial hypertension. Intracranial hypertension is characterized by increased pressure inside your skull. Intracranial means inside your skull and hypertension means high fluid pressure. Intracranial hypertension means the pressure of the fluid surrounding your brain (cerebrospinal fluid) is too…
Living With Pudendal Neuralgia
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Pudendal Neuralgia I had a question the other day about pudendal neuralgia. Pudendal neuralgia is a rare problem with the pudendal nerve and it can affect both men and women. Your pudendal nerve runs through your pelvic region, including your genitals, urethra, anus, and perineum. Your perineum is…
Living With Bacterial Vaginosis
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Bacterial Vaginosis I had a question the other day about bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is a mild infection of your vagina caused by bacteria. Normally, there are a lot of “good” bacteria and some “bad” bacteria in your vagina. The good kind helps control the growth of the…
Living With DRESS Syndrome
A Natural Approach To Health Living With DRESS Syndrome I had a question the other day about DRESS syndrome. The life-threatening DRESS (drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms) syndrome is characterized by the presence of at least 3 of the following findings: fever, rash, eosinophilia (a high white blood cell count), atypical circulating white…
Living With Pseudomonas Infection
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Pseudomonas Infection I had a question the other day about Pseudomonas infections. A Pseudomonas infection is caused by a very common bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Healthy people often carry these bacteria around without knowing it and without having any problems. Sometimes these germs cause minor problems like swimmer’s…
Living With Pulmonary Fibrosis
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Pulmonary Fibrosis I had a question the other day about pulmonary fibrosis. “Fibrosis” means scarring, so pulmonary fibrosis means scarring in your lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused by many things, including chronic inflammatory processes, infections, environmental agents, exposure to ionizing radiation, chronic conditions, and certain drugs. Fibrosis…

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