Let’s continue our discussion about where toxins come from. Yesterday we talked about soil, food and water. We will finish up today with air and medications.
Tobacco smoke, heaters, air conditioners, household cleaners, detergents, and deodorizers are common sources of indoor pollution at home and in the workplace. Appliances, such as refrigerators, computers, and televisions, emit formaldehyde into the air we breathe. Deodorizers and disinfectants used around the home can cause respiratory illnesses in children, as well as adults. Behavioral symptoms, such as hyperactivity, inattention, and other developmental abnormalities, can often be traced back to hypersensitive allergic reactions. Obviously, these problems can affect learning, sleeping, eating, and health in general. Control the quality of the air you and your family breathe everyday. Clean or change air filters and vents on a regular basis. Consider using high efficiency air purifiers.
Another potential source of toxins that affect our health are prescription and nonprescription medications. While these medications may help relieve symptoms in the short term, over a longer period of time there can be harmful effects from their by-products and residues. Medications and drugs interfere with the body’s metabolism, while nutrients aid healthy metabolism and body regulatory systems, thereby promoting good health. The FDA reports 60,000 to 140,000 people die each year from adverse drug reactions, compared to 40,000 from automobile accidents, 10,000 from food contamination, 24 from household cleaners, and 0 from vitamins.
We have an incredibly efficient clearinghouse organ called the liver. The liver is truly amazing because it can process both nutrients and toxins at the same time. It has basically two kinds of specialized cells, one that handles the toxins and another that handles the nutrients. Protein and the antioxidant nutrients are heavily involved in the detoxification process. Once detoxified, these toxins must exit the body through the bowels, kidneys, lungs, and skin. When the organs of elimination fail to get rid of these toxins, the body puts them away in various storage areas. These are mainly the fatty tissues, such as subcutaneous fat, breast tissue, and the fat around organs. Other fatty tissues, such as the brain, nerve cells, liver, and bone marrow, are also used. And other unusual sites, such as cartilage and joints, may be used as a dumping site when there is an overabundance of toxic wastes. This definitely spells disaster with a serious threat to health and life. Most toxins from food, water, soil, and air are potentially cancer-causing and have a strong affinity for fat or oils. Experts believe being overweight is a high-risk factor for cancer of the breast, liver, colon, bone marrow, and brain because these are fatty tissues.
Tomorrow we will talk about how we can detoxify.
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