Living With a Stye

A Natural Approach To Health





Living With a Stye

I had a question the other day about a stye.

A stye is a pimple or abscess that forms in either your upper or lower eyelid.

It’s an infection caused by blockage of an oil duct and bacteria normally living on the surface of your eyelid without any problems.

Some of these germs get trapped along with dead skin cells along the edge of your eyelid.

Styes are usually superficial and plainly visible.

Occasionally, they’re deeper within your eyelid.

An external stye starts as a pimple next to an eyelash.

It turns into a red, painful bump and may last several days before it bursts and then heals.

Some external styes are short-lived and heal on their own, while others may need the care of your eye doctor.

An internal stye (on the underside of your lid) also causes a red, painful bump, but its location prevents a whitehead from appearing on your eyelid.

The internal stye may disappear completely once the infection is gone, or it may leave a small fluid-filled cyst which may need to be opened and drained.

If the clogged gland of a stye never gets better, scar tissue develops around the swollen gland, the pain subsides and a “bump” remains.

That bump is called a chalazion.

Styes and chalazia (plural of chalazion) are usually harmless and rarely affect your eyeball or eyesight.

But in rare cases they can lead to severe infections of your face called cellulitis, which can be very serious.

They can occur at any age and tend to recur from time to time.

To deal with a stye it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily.

*Prepare raspberry leaf tea and use it as an eyewash to alleviate styes.

*Apply a hot compress to the affected area for 10 minutes 4-6 times daily to help relieve discomfort and bring the stye to a head so it can drain and healing can begin.

*If you frequently suffer from styes, supplement your diet with vitamin A.  Recurring styes are often a sign of vitamin A deficiency.

*Include the following in your diet:  broccoli, raw cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, green vegetables, squash, sunflower seeds, and watercress.

*Eliminate sugar and white flour from your diet.

*If a stye doesn’t heal promptly, it may need to be drained.  This is a procedure that must be done by a health care professional.  Don’t squeeze the lump or try to drain it at home.  This can cause the infection to spread into your bloodstream, leading to systemic illness.

*In severe and/or stubborn cases, treatment with antibiotics may be necessary.

*Avoid smoke-filled rooms.

*Eliminate toxic cosmetics, eye care, and personal care products.

*Eliminate chlorinated shower/bath water, which could be irritating.

If you’re dealing with a stye, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, OmegaGuard, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, Vitamin D, Alfalfa, B-Complex.

It’s important to use:  Vitamin CGLA, CoQHeart, Zinc, Vivix.

It’s beneficial to use:  Vitamin E, Optiflora, VitalMag.

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PS:  If you have any questions about a stye, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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