Living With Diabetic Retinopathy

A Natural Approach To Health       Living With Diabetic Retinopathy I had a question the other day about diabetic retinopathy. Retinopathy is a disease of the retina. The retina is the nerve layer lining the back of your eye. It’s the part of your eye that “takes pictures” and sends images to your…

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Living With A Foot Ulcer

A Natural Approach To Health Living With A Foot Ulcer I had a question the other day about foot ulcers. Foot ulcers are often caused by diabetic neuropathy or vascular disease. Any foot problems in diabetic people can lead to a serious infection, so foot care is very important.   Diabetic foot ulcers are red…

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Living With Diabetes

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Diabetes I had a question the other day about diabetes. This is a topic I am very familiar with. My mother and grandmother had type 2 diabetes and two of my sons have type 1 diabetes. Even though there are differences in how the two types occur, much…

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Living With Hypoglycemia

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Hypoglycemia I had a question the other day about hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is most common in people who have diabetes. You may have briefly felt the effects of low blood sugar when you’ve become really hungry or exercised hard without eating enough. This happens to…

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Problems With Blood Sugar Metabolism

   Problems with blood sugar metabolism start when the insulin your pancreas makes tries to attach to your cells and can’t.  If your cells are damaged, not working right, or missing insulin receptors your insulin can’t attach and do what it’s suppose to do.  Depending on the amount of damage, only some insulin will actually…

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