Confused About Supplements?
A vitamin is a vitamin. Isn’t it? A lot of people believe all vitamin and/or dietary supplements are about the same. So why not just buy the cheapest ones? Let’s take vitamin C for example. You would think that vitamin C is vitamin C, so how can the different brands be so different from each…
Nutritional Supplementation
Are nutritional supplements necessary? Does our food give us the nutrients we need to live? What about all the pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals and food additives? Does the food on store shelves feed and fortify us? Do any of us get even the bare minimums of the Recommended Daily Allowances of vitamins and minerals? Do…
Body Building
Let’s pretend that we are working at a construction site. Building requires 3 main things: 1. The basic building materials (brick, wood, shingles, etc.) 2. Something that holds the building materials together (mortar, nails, glue, etc.) 3. Someone with the correct tools and knowledge to put it all together (bricklayer, carpenter, roofer, etc.) Possible…
More Poop!
So, with all the poop we talked about yesterday, you might be wondering about your own poop. For example, we talked about it taking 12 to 18 hours for food to go all the way through your system. How do you know how long it takes YOUR digestive tract to process food? Here is a…
The Journey of Food
Your gastrointestinal tract is basically one long tube. It begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. Food needs to be processed timely and efficiently. Optimal digestion is important to our overall health for 2 reasons: 1. To ensure essential nutrients reach the cells and tissues that require them, and 2. To ensure…
The Gastrointestinal Tract
We’re going to make an analogy to a bonfire here. If you have a bonfire that is burning nicely and you throw another piece of wood on it, what happens? The piece of wood catches on fire, burns efficiently, produces a lot of heat, and leaves behind only ashes. If, however, your bonfire is…
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