Living With Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Epidermolytic Hyperkeratosis I had a question the other day about epidermolytic hyperkeratosis. Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis is a genetic skin disorder that’s present at birth. Affected babies may have very red skin (erythroderma) and severe blisters. Because newborns with this disorder are missing the protection provided by normal skin, they’re…
Living With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome I had a question the other day about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of inherited disorders that affect your connective tissues — mainly your skin, joints and blood vessel walls. People who have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome usually have overly flexible joints and stretchy, fragile skin.…
Living With MRSA
A Natural Approach To Health Living With MRSA I had a question the other day about MRSA. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of staphylococcus or “staph” bacterium that’s resistant to many antibiotics. Staph bacteria, like other kinds of bacteria, normally live on your skin and in your nose, usually without causing problems. But…
Living With Stomach Cancer
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Stomach Cancer I had a question the other day about stomach cancer. Cancer of the stomach, or gastric cancer, is a disease in which stomach cells become malignant (cancerous) and grow out of control, forming a tumor. Almost all stomach cancers (about 95%) start in the glandular tissue…
Living With Gangrene
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Gangrene I had a question the other day about gangrene. Gangrene happens when body tissue dies. It’s caused by a loss of blood supply due to an underlying illness, injury, or infection. Fingers, toes, and limbs are most often affected, but gangrene can also occur inside your body,…
Living With Stargardt Disease
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Stargardt Disease I had a question the other day about Stargardt disease. Stargardt disease is a form of juvenile macular degeneration. This rare disease causes central vision loss that begins in childhood or young adulthood. Unfortunately, there’s no treatment available for this disease, which is caused by gene…
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