Trans Fats

trans fats   The hydrogenation process creates a very toxic product that wreaks havoc without our bodies:

*The molecular structure of the fat is changed from a naturally occurring formation to a formation that is rarely found in nature called a “trans” formation, hence, the name “trans fats” or “trans fatty acids”.

*Trans fats look similar enough to the natural formation fat to confuse your digestive system into accepting them, but they don’t react the same in your body.

*Contributes to a deficiency of important Essential Fatty Acids, which we will talk about tomorrow.

*Instead of being eliminated by your body’s filtration and elimination systems, trans fats are absorbed into the outer coating of your cells, which creates sick cells and leads to free radical damage.

*This begins a snowball of problems with cell metabolism

*The process of disease has now begun.

Of all the food you consume, none are as severely processed and converted into poisonous substances as fats and oils.

Other health dangers of hydrogenated products and trans fats:

*They are free radicals,

*They not only raise LDL (bad) cholesterol, they lower HDL (good) cholesterol levels,

*They are suspected of being a major contributing factor to cancers and heart disease,

*They increase your body weight, and

*They alter many reactions in your body leading to disease.

Foods typically containing hydrogenated vegetable oils and trans fats are:

*Virtually all refined, processed food products (prepared, packaged, instant, even many baby foods).

*All margarines, commercial oils or salad dressings.

*Breads, cereals, crackers, cookies, backed goods, pies, donuts, snack products.

*All deep fried foods, snacks like potato chips.

*Frozen ice cream type snacks.

A note about butter:  Contrary to what margarine companies would have you believe, butter is actually a healthy food choice.  It is a natural food and contains many beneficial substances:

*Saturated butter fats, which the body needs for many functions.

*Vitamins A and D.

*Small amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs.

*Lecithin (an essential “fat” for brain and nerve functioning).

*Trace minerals (manganese, zinc, chromium, iodine, selenium).

Does this mean you can eat all the butter you want?  No, it is still a fat, so don’t go overboard.

NOTE:  It is important to purchase high quality/organic butter because toxins are stored in fat cells of animals, therefore, butter can be a concentrated form of these toxins.

So, what should you use?  Educate yourself, read books/cookbooks, experiment with options.

For cooking, frying, baking:

*Butter (preferably organic), extra-virgin cold-pressed high quality olive oil

*Limited use of expeller or cold-processed oils (grapeseed, almond, sesame)

*Coconut butter/oil; nut butters; try ghee/clarified butter if dairy allergy

For salad dressing:

*Expeller or cold-pressed oils (olive, grapeseed, almond, sesame)

*Coconut oil; avocado

*Flaxseed oil or combination oils (must buy from refrigerator section and store in fridge).  NEVER HEAT flax oil and use within 6 weeks of opening.

NOTE:  Many books are available on the subject of fats.  Two excellent books are:  “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”, by Udo Erasmus and “Nourishing Traditions”, by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD.

Do we need fats in our diet?  YES.  Does consuming fat make us fat?  NOT if it’s the right type.  The elimination of all dietary fats would actually be very harmful to your health.  We need to consume between 15 and 30% of our total diet as healthy fat to stay healthy.

Tomorrow we will start talking about Essential Fatty Acids.

I should be launching my new weight loss blog tomorrow.  Stay tuned!

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