Lifestyle, Stress and Priorities

Do we have enough time or only priorities?

Because of our hectic lifestyles, we eat on the run. We don’t seem to make enough time to rest, relax, and plan healthy meals.  Television influences our food choices, as do school lunch menus.  Children are particularly vulnerable to these influences.  This is unfortunate because this is the time when it is critical for them to develop healthy habits for optimal health.  Genetic traits and tendencies are inherited and beyond our control.  However, the good news is the fact that we have total control over our thinking, eating, and living habits.  A change in these habits can strongly impact your health.  Degenerative diseases linked with bad habits decrease with improved changes in thinking, eating, and living habits.

Are our children well nourished?  Where do they get their nutrition information?  Do we check what foods they have consumed for the day?  Who fed them today?  Who cares about their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs?  For many children, as early as infancy, these needs are delegated to day care centers and to people who are paid to do the expected nurturing and caring job.  This sad scenario has a strong impact on every child’s physical, emotional, mental, social, environmental, and spiritual wellness.

We Are Toxic

A toxin according to Webster’s Dictionary is a poisonous substance that is a specific product of metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically able to induce antibody formation.  Examples of toxins are the various by-products that occur during the metabolism of food.  These are toxins from within, for example free radicals, which we know cause damage to cells and DNA.  A well-nourished body is able to eliminate toxins, thereby preventing potential damage to itself.  If damaged, the cells degenerate and disease results.

There are other toxins that come from outside the body.  The Medical Dictionary defines a toxin (relating to medicine) as a poison, frequently used to refer to a protein produced by higher plants, certain animals, and bacteria, which is highly toxic for living organisms.  Other toxins are simple chemical poisons and vegetable alkaloids.  Examples of alkaloids are caffeine and nicotine.

Simply stated, these toxins are foreign to our cells and are of no use to our bodies.  They impair and disrupt bodily functions so need to be removed from the body before they cause damage.  These are called anti-nutrients.  Examples are caffeine, excess sugars or concentrated sweets, food additives, and medications.

The human body needs substances that build and maintain health, not destroy it.  These substances are protein, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals, carbohydrates and fats, pure water, and pure air.  These essential nutrients must be provided in adequate amounts at regular times each and every day.

Tomorrow’s post will be on where these toxins are coming from.

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