Living With Dementia

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Dementia

I had a question the other day about dementia.

We all forget things as we get older.

Many older people have a slight loss of memory that doesn’t affect their daily lives.

But memory loss that gets worse may mean you have dementia.

Dementia is a loss of mental skills that affects your daily life.

It can cause problems with your memory and how well you can think and plan.

Usually dementia gets worse over time.

How long this takes is different for each person.

Some people stay the same for years.

Others lose skills quickly.

Your chances of having dementia rise as you get older.

But this doesn’t mean everyone will get it.

By age 85, about 35 out of 100 people have some form of dementia.

Dementia is rare before age 60.

Dementia is caused by damage to or changes in your brain.

Things that can cause dementia include:

>Strokes, tumors, or head injuries.

After Alzheimer’s disease, strokes are the most common cause of dementia.

This type of dementia is called vascular dementia.

>Diseases, like Parkinson’s disease.

In a few cases, dementia is caused by a problem that can be treated, like an underactive thyroid gland, not getting enough vitamin B12, and fluid buildup in the brain.

In these cases, treating the problem may cure the dementia.

In some people, depression can cause memory loss that seems like dementia.

Depression can be treated.

As you age, medicines may affect you more.

Taking some medicines together may cause symptoms that look like dementia.

Be sure your doctor knows about all the medicines you take.

Usually the first symptom of dementia is memory loss.

Often the person who has a memory problem doesn’t notice it, but family and friends do.

As dementia gets worse:

>You may have more trouble doing things that take planning, like making a list and going shopping.

>You may have trouble using or understanding words.

>You may get lost in places you know well.

Over time, people with dementia may begin to act very differently.

They may become scared and strike out at others, or they may become clingy and childlike.

They may stop brushing their teeth or bathing.

Later, they can’t take care of themselves.

They may not know where they are.

They may not know their loved ones when they see them.

There are medicines you can take for dementia.

It can’t be cured, but it can be slowed down for a while.

To deal with dementia it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily hydrates body and brain cells and flushes toxins (whether thirsty or not!).

*Review my post on candida.

*Increase essential fats (flax oil, olive oil, Omega-3 oils).

*Increase life-giving, enzyme and nutrient rich, fresh, RAW fruits and veggies (preferably organic); consider fresh juicing.

*Consider hair analysis to determine heavy metal toxicity.

*Support digestion, liver and colon; consider liver and/or colon cleanse; ensure daily (2x) bowel movements.

*Maintain exercise regimen and relaxation techniques.

*Keep brain active; engage in mental activities.

*Increase oxygen; deep breathing exercises, yoga, etc.

*Consider orthomolecular (high dose vitamin) treatment under guidance of qualified practitioner.

*Consider energy medicine, mind/body/spirit techniques.

*Review blood sugar levels and hypoglycemic tendencies.

*Decrease any and all toxic exposures as they can harm brain cells and function.

*Discover “hidden” allergies/sensitivities (food and/or environmental) that may trigger or aggravate the condition.

*Decrease toxic cleaning, laundry and personal care products.

*Decrease indoor and outdoor environmental pollutants/sensitivities.

*Decrease toxins/heavy metals exposure (workplace, hobbies, etc.); avoid aluminum-containing items.

*Decrease hydrogenated and/or trans fat containing products.

*Decrease “lifeless” processed, instant, fast, junk, packaged foods.

*Decrease sugar, white flour products, sweets, etc.

*Decrease dairy and wheat products (check for gluten sensitivity).

*Decrease chemical additives, preservatives, pesticides in foods.

*Avoid MSG and all artificial sweeteners as they are neurotoxins.

*Avoid alcohol, caffeine, nicotine.

*Consider effects of metal dental amalgams and other dental work; consult a holistic dentist.

*Research effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF); cell phones, computers, wireless devices, etc.


It is essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, B-Complex, Lecithin, OmegaGuard, Mental Acuity, CoQHeart, Vitamin D, Vivix.

It is important to use:  CorEnergy, Optiflora, Alfalfa, Garlic, VitalMag, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax.

It is beneficial to use:  Vitamin C, Vitamin EZinc, DTX, Herb-Lax, Fiber, Glucose Regulation Complex, Gentle Sleep Complex, 180 Energy Tea.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about dementia, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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