Living With Hair Loss

A Holistic Approach To Health

hair loss

Living With Hair Loss

I had a question the other day about hair loss.

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a concern for men, women, and children.

Alopecia doesn’t refer to one specific hair loss disease – any form of hair loss is an alopecia.

Hair loss can be caused by all kinds of conditions from genetics to drugs.

Androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness) is the most common form of hair loss.

Male pattern baldness accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men.

By age 35, two-thirds of men will have some degree of noticeable hair loss and by age 50 about 85% of men have thinning hair.

About 25% of men who suffer from male pattern baldness begin losing hair before they reach 21.

Contrary to popular belief, most men who suffer from male pattern baldness are extremely unhappy with their situation and would do anything to change it.

Hair loss affects every aspect of their life.

It affects interpersonal relationships, as well as their professional life.

It’s not uncommon for men to change their career paths because of hair loss.

Mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease, women make up a significant percentage of hair loss sufferers.

Forty percent of women have visible hair loss by the time they’re age 40.

Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating for self image and emotional well-being.

Unfortunately, society has forced women to suffer in silence.

It’s considered far more acceptable for men to go through the same hair loss process.

Even more unfortunately, the medical community pays little attention to the issue of women’s hair loss.

Since hair loss doesn’t appear to be life threatening, health care professionals often overlook women’s complaints about hair loss and essentially tell them it’s not a big deal.

While there are many many possible reasons people lose hair, including serious diseases, reaction to certain medications, and, in rare cases, extremely stressful events, most hair loss can be blamed on heredity.

What is inherited is a sensitivity of the hair follicles to something called DHT, which is a by-product of testosterone.

Hair follicles sensitive to DHT begin to miniaturize, shortening the lifespan of each hair follicle affected.

Eventually, these affected follicles stop producing cosmetically acceptable hair.

The entire process isn’t fully understood, but fortunately more research is being done in this area.

To deal with hair loss it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily to hydrate and flush toxins.

*Review my post on keeping clean on the inside.

*Increase essential fats (flax oil, olive oil, Omega-3 oils).

*Increase toxin-free, natural hair care products (ProSante).

*Decrease toxic shampoos, conditioners, mousse, gel, spray, etc.

*Decrease perms, colors, tints, highlights, treatments loaded with toxic substances affecting your hair and scalp and whole body.

*Decrease chlorinated shower/bath water (purchase a shower filter).

*Decrease use of chlorinated pools and hot tubs.


It is essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Alfalfa, B-Complex, Zinc, Vitamin D.

It is important to use:  OmegaGuard or GLA, Vitamin CVitamin E, CoQHeart.

It is beneficial to use:  EZ-Gest, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Iron (if needed), ProSante hair care line.

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PS:  If you have any questions about hair loss, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.

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