Living With Kidney Disease

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Kidney Disease

In memory of mom.

I had a question the other day about kidney disease.

Having chronic kidney disease means your kidneys haven’t been working the way they should for some time.

Your kidneys have the important job of filtering your blood.

They remove waste products and extra fluid and flush them from your body as urine.

When your kidneys don’t work right, wastes build up in your blood and make you sick.

Chronic kidney disease may seem to come on suddenly.

But it’s been happening bit by bit for many years as a result of damage to your kidneys.

Each of your kidneys has about a million tiny filters, called nephrons.

If nephrons are damaged, they stop working.

For a while, healthy nephrons can take on the extra work.

But if the damage continues, more and more nephrons shut down.

After a certain point, the remaining nephrons can’t filter your blood well enough to keep you healthy.

One way to measure how well your kidneys are working is to figure out your glomerular filtration rate (GFR).

The GFR is usually calculated using results from your blood creatinine test.

Then the stage of kidney disease is figured out using the GFR.

There are 5 stages of kidney disease, from kidney damage with normal GFR to kidney failure requiring dialysis.

There are things you can do to slow or stop the damage to your kidneys.

Making some lifestyle changes can help you manage your disease and feel better.

Chronic kidney disease is also called chronic renal failure or chronic renal insufficiency.

The most common causes of kidney damage are high blood pressure and high blood sugar (diabetes).

Other things can lead to chronic kidney disease and include:

>Kidney diseases and infections, or a kidney problem you were born with.

>A narrowed or blocked renal artery (which carries blood to your kidneys).

>Long-term use of medicines can damage the kidneys (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and celecoxib).

You may start to have symptoms only a few months after your kidneys begin to fail.

But most people don’t have symptoms early on.

In fact, many don’t have symptoms for as long as 30 years or more.

This is called the “silent” phase of the disease.

As your kidney function gets worse, you may:

>Urinate less than normal.

>Have swelling from fluid buildup in your tissues.  This is called edema.

>Feel very tired or sleepy.

>Not feel hungry, or you may lose weight without trying.

>Often feel sick to your stomach or vomit.

>Have trouble sleeping.

>Have headaches or trouble thinking clearly.

To deal with kidney disease, it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily, which cleanses and flushes your system.  Drink at least 1 cup per hour.

*Drink pure, sugar-free only, organic cranberry juice (found in a health food store).

*Maintain your alkalinity.

*Investigate possible triggers.

*Try to eliminate toxic products.

*Avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine, soda pop, dairy products, and processed foods.

*Eat plenty of raw foods.

*Consider fasting and fresh juicing.

*Empty bladder frequently (never ignore the urge).

*Practice good personal hygiene.

*Take plentiful amounts of alfalfa throughout the day.

*Review my post on Candida, because many times this can be a significant influence.


It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Alfalfa, Optiflora, Vitamin C, Calcium/Magnesium, B-Complex, NutriFeron, Garlic (for infections).

It’s important to use:  Vitamin D, DTX, Herb-Lax, Fiber, OmegaGuard, GLA, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Vitamin E, Zinc.

It’s beneficial to use:  Immunity Formula, CorEnergy, Saw Palmetto (for men), Vivix, EZ-Gest, consider 180 tea.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about kidney disease, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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