Living With Paget’s Disease

A Natural Approach To Health





Living With Paget’s Disease

I had a question the other day about Paget’s disease.

Paget’s disease is a chronic disorder characterized by excessive bone degeneration together with the creation of new bone that’s deficient in calcium and therefore more fragile than normal bone.

The result is enlarged and deformed bones in one or more parts of your skeleton, bone degeneration, bone pain, arthritis, noticeable deformities, and an increased susceptibility to fractures.

Paget’s disease most often affects the bones of your pelvis, spine, thighs, skull, hips, shins, and upper arms.

It affects more than 3-5% of Americans over the age of 50 and about 10% of those over the age of 80, although in rare instances it’s been reported in young adults.

It affects men and women equally.

In the early stages, the disease usually causes no symptoms, although there may be mild pain in your affected bones.

Over time, bone pain becomes more severe and persistent, especially at night, and worsens with exertion.

Paget’s disease can also lead to neck and/or back pain; pain and/or stiffness in affected joints; warming of your skin over the affected bones; unexplained bone fractures; hearing loss; headaches; dizziness; ringing in your ears; and impaired mobility.

If your pelvis or thighbone is involved, you may have hip pain.

The disease follows a pattern of alternating remissions and flare-ups.

Over time, the flare-ups gradually become worse.

Sometimes joints next to the affected bone become involved, and osteoarthritis may develop.

Over time, deformities like bowed legs, an increasingly barrel-shaped chest, a bent spine, and/or enlarged forehead may develop as well.

Other possible late complications include kidney stones, congestive heart failure, deafness or blindness, high blood pressure, and gout.

In about 5% of cases, the affected bone undergoes malignant changes, leading to bone cancer.

Cardiac failure can occur from prolonged increased blood flow.

The life expectancy of people with Paget’s disease is somewhat reduced, but most live with the disease for at least 10-15 years.

Because this disease usually doesn’t cause significant symptoms, especially in the early stages, most cases go undetected unless discovered accidentally when x-rays or blood tests are taken for another reason.

The cause is unknown, although some researchers suspect a slowly progressing viral infection of the bone is involved.

Multiple cases of the disease within families have been reported.

But, Paget’s disease doesn’t appear to be transmitted from one generation to another, which is more consistent with an infectious disorder than with a hereditary condition.

Paget’s disease is often confused with hyperthyroidism and other disorders causing bone lesions, like bone cancer, fibrous dysplasia, and multiple myeloma.

To diagnose Paget’s disease, you may have bone scans or x-rays to detect bone changes.

Blood tests may detect elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase, and enzyme produced by bone-building cells.

Urine tests and CT scans also may be used.

To deal with Paget’s disease it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily.

*Alfalfa contains minerals needed for proper bone formation and reduction of inflammation.

*Angelica, cayenne, hops, passionflower, skullcap, valerian root, and white willow bark work well for pain.

*Dandelion root, nettle, parsley, poke root, rose hips, and yucca help build strong bones.

*Eat plenty of calcium-rich foods.  These include brewer’s yeast, buttermilk, carob, goat’s milk and other dairy products containing vitamin D, all leafy greens, salmon, sardines, seafood, tofu, whey, and yogurt.

*Include plenty of garlic in your diet.  Garlic is beneficial for circulation and helps keep inflammation down.

*Eat fresh papaya and pineapple frequently.  These fruits contain enzymes that help reduce inflammation.

*Avoid nightshade vegetables.  These include tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, cayenne peppers, chili peppers, sweet potatoes, eggplant, cayenne peppers, chili peppers, sweet peppers, paprika, and pimiento.  These vegetables affect the metabolism of calcium and cause calcium from your bones to be deposited in other areas of your body where it doesn’t belong, like your arteries, joints, and kidneys.

*Use barley grass and/or kelp to supply valuable minerals and other nutrients needed for bone formation.

*Use heat to alleviate pain.  Hot soaks, hot compresses, and heat lamps are all effective.

*Follow an exercise program recommended by your health care provider to combat immobility.

*Sleep on a very firm mattress or use a bed board.  This will lessen the chance of developing spinal deformities.

*During active phases of the disease, rest in bed and move or turn often to prevent pressure sores.

*Accident-proof your home to help prevent fractures.  Remove throw rugs and avoid slippery flooring.  Install handrails next to the bathtub and toilet.

*Avoid placing extreme physical stress on your bones.

*Get regular medical checkups to screen for early bone cancer and to detect hearing loss.

If you’re dealing with Paget’s disease, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, OmegaGuard, Calcium/Magnesium, CarotoMax, FlavoMax, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Zinc.

It’s important to use:  OsteoMatrixVitalMag, Vitamin D, Alfalfa, GLA, Optiflora.

It’s beneficial to use:  CoQHeart, EZ-Gest, Vivix, Joint Health Complex, Pain Relief Complex.

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PS:  If you have any questions about Paget’s disease, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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