Living With PTSD

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With PTSD

I had a question the other day about PTSD.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can happen after you’ve been through a traumatic event.

A traumatic event is something horrible and scary you see or happens to you.

During this type of event, you think your life or others’ lives are in danger.

Anyone who has gone through a life-threatening event can develop PTSD.

These events include:

>Combat or terrorist attacks.

>Violent crimes, like rape, child abuse, or a physical attack.

>Serious accidents, like a car wreck.

>Natural disasters, like a fire, tornado, flood, or earthquake.

After going through a traumatic event, you may feel upset by things reminding you of what happened.

You may have nightmares, vivid memories, or flashbacks of the event and feel like it’s happening all over again.

You also may avoid situations reminding you of the event, and you may feel numb or lose interest in things you used to care about.

PTSD can be a challenge for you and your family.

Your family may find it hard to accept some of the changes PTSD can bring to your life.

By talking and supporting one another, you and your family will be better prepared for these changes.

Your family is an important part of your recovery.

They can be there to listen and help you through rough times.

It’s also important you help your family understand PTSD.

They may not always know how to respond when they see you hurting.

They may feel scared, sad, guilty, or even angry about your condition.

Talking about PTSD can help you and your family cope.

Talk about your symptoms and what triggers them.

Discuss different treatments and how they can help you recover.

When you open up, your family can better understand what you’re going through.

To deal with PTSD it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily.

*Get an adequate amount of Omega-3 essential fats.

*Learn and practice stress relief and relaxation techniques.

*Explore energy medicine techniques.

*Consider herbs (for example, chamomile and valerian).

*Learn and practice deep-breathing techniques.

*You may need more vitamins and minerals because stress tends to burn these off your system.

*Be connected to nature.  Look into the idea of “being grounded”.  Spend time outside barefoot.

*Get plenty of exercise, activity, sunshine, outdoors, and fresh air.

*Try to eliminate body pollution.

*Try to eliminate blood sugar fluctuations.

*Try to identify triggers (for example, toxic products, foods, fragrances).

*Try to eliminate sugar- and chemical-laden junk and processed foods.

*Try to eliminate caffeine and alcohol.

*Review my post on Candida, because many times this can be a significant influence.

*Avoid an acidic body.

*Be aware of the negative effects of electromagnetic fields that can disrupt your “energy body”.

*Increased amounts of B-complex and/or Calcium/Magnesium may be needed to ease stress, especially during any “attacks” or acute situations.


It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Mood Lift Complex, Stress Relief Complex, B-Complex, Vitamin D, Optiflora.

It’s important to use:  Lecithin, OmegaGuard, DTX, Herb-Lax, Alfalfa, Mental Acuity, Calcium/Magnesium, VitalMag.

It’s beneficial to use:  CoQHeart, Zinc, CorEnergy, Gentle Sleep Complex, Vivix.

Please comment below, like, retweet, and share with your friends!

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PS:  If you have any questions about PTSD, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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