Enjoy the Holidays Without the Stress
I love the holidays. I enjoy choosing gifts for my family, decorating, hosting and attending holiday parties. Heck, I even enjoy holiday music. The holidays, though, can be full of stress. I have to fight crowds to find that perfect gift. Who has time to decorate or cook something for a party? Sometimes that holiday…
5 Simple Ways to Green Your Holiday and Wallet
5 Simple Ways to Green Your Holiday and Wallet Shaklee Health Wise This holiday season we want to help you go green and save some green too! With these five simple tips you can reduce your energy bill, help the environment, and overall feel good about yourself. Recycle or compost the Christmas tree. If you…
The Third Premise
Mr. Hill’s third premise is that any idea, plan, or purpose that you hold in your mind, repeatedly think about and emotionalize with a burning desire for its realization is taken over by the subconscious mind and acted on through whatever natural and logical means that are available. This is a great lesson in…
Purpose, Plan and Action
How did you do? Did you define your purpose, your why? Napoleon Hill says to not worry too much about your actual plan, because that can be changed. It can be adjusted if you find it to be not working well. But your purpose, that has to be very definite. You have to define exactly…
The Purpose Driven Life
I’ve been reading some Napoleon Hill lately, specifically The Purpose Driven Life. In case you’re not familiar with Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970), he was an American author who was one of the earliest writers of personal-success literature. He is considered to be one of the best writers on success. His…
Online Marketing Trends
I have noticed that marketing trends are a lot like air travel. Some trends are ready for takeoff while others need time for more passengers to get on board. This list features the top 10 marketing trends, with some advice to help you determine if the trend is “ready for takeoff” and worthy of your…

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