Living With Chronic Cough

A Natural Approach To Health Living With Chronic Cough I had a question the other day about chronic cough. A chronic cough is one that never seems to go away. It’s usually a productive cough, which helps clear mucus (sputum) and foreign material from your airways. Mucus can be made in your lungs because of…

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12 Ways to Reduce Body Pollution

12 Ways to Reduce Body Pollution      To further reduce toxic exposures and your body pollution levels: 1.  Avoid buying and/or storing food and drinks in plastic containers. 2.  Invest in a shower filter for a chemical-free shower. 3.  Avoid DEET and other chemicals in insect repellents. 4.  Avoid scented candles (use pure beeswax only).…

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Body Pollution Creates Disease

Body Pollution Creates Disease    We can’t say we don’t know.  Think about it.  We are bombarded by toxins from everywhere.  Our environment is suffering.  Our wildlife is suffering.  Our air, water and food supply is suffering.  Human health is suffering.  Our unborn babies are suffering while still in the womb.  It’s time to say…

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Human Poisoning

Human Poisoning    According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers almost 94% of all poisonings occur in the home.  And, over half of these occur in children younger than 5.  The total number of poison exposures reported in 2011 in the household was 2.3 million.  Most poisonings involve everyday household items, like cleaning…

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How Many Toxic Invaders are in Your Home?

How Many Toxic Invaders are in Your Home?   It’s important to know all the ways chemicals get into your home, your life and ultimately your cells.  The indoor air in the average home is full of chemicals.  Often you don’t have much control over these, but you should always choose nontoxic products whenever possible.…

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Cosmetics Safety Myths

   Here are some myths about personal care products. Myth:  Cosmetics safety is a concern for women only. Fact:  On average, women use 12 products containing 168 ingredients every day, men use 6 products with 85 ingredients, and children are exposed to an average of 61 ingredients daily. Myth:  If it’s for sale at a…

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