Endocrine and Cardiovascular Systems

We have 11 organ systems within our body.  We have already talked about 3 of the body’s 11 organ systems.  We will briefly review these here and then cover 2 more systems.

Basic Support for All Systems

All cells in the body, and therefore all organs and organ systems, require the same basic “raw materials” and support:

*Complete range of amino acids (protein) to ensure proper building of the various tissues.

*Complete range of vitamins, minerals, essential fats, and glucose to ensure all building materials are available for tissue use.

*Free-flowing lines of communication.

*Diet and lifestyle support.

Certain substances or support may be of particular benefit to an individual system.  These will be listed below, but each system must have all the above “basics” covered first.

Digestive System:  This system has been discussed the most because:

*It processes and provides the raw materials needed by all tissues throughout the body

*It is the one we most need to understand and support in order to build/maintain optimal health

*It is the system that we have the most influence over – through our everyday diet and lifestyle choices.

Immune/Lymphatic System:

Ultimately it is our body’s natural wisdom and mechanisms that can heal anything from a small cut to a more serious health challenge.  It is important we understand this and learn how to support a strong and healthy immune system.

Nervous System:

Communication within the body is vital.  Messages must be able to flow quickly, accurately and uninterrupted to and from every cell in order for them to function.  Chiropractic care and/or energy work is highly recommended, along with nutritional support.

   Endocrine System:

What does the endocrine system do for us and what organs are involved?  The endocrine system is another system of communication.  But this system uses hormones as its messengers.  Along with the nervous system, the endocrine system coordinates and directs the activity of all body cells.  Our hormones are involved in growth, reproduction, mobilizing body defenses, maintaining electrolyte, water and nutrient balance, metabolism and energy.  The endocrine system is made up of a series of glands (pineal gland, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries and testes).

How can we support our endocrine system?  In addition to the general recommendations listed above the following is important:

*Essential fatty acids (Omega 3, GLA, Lecithin, fish oils, flax), B-complex.

cardiovascular   Cardiovascular/Circulatory System:

What does the cardiovascular system do for us and what organs are involved?  This is our transportation system.  Blood is used to transport oxygen, nutrients, hormones, white blood cells and all other substances to tissue cells where exchanges are made.  Wastes are then carried away from the cells.  The heart is approximately the size of a person’s fist and weighs less than a pound.  It has the power to pump approximately 2-1/2 gallons of blood each minute.  A system of valves is used to control blood flow.  The heart is the strongest and most powerful muscle in the body.  Arteries carry oxygen-rich/carbon dioxide-poor blood away from the heart.  Veins return the oxygen-poor/carbon dioxide-rich blood to the heart.  It is an amazing system.

How can we support our cardiovascular system?  In addition to the general recommendations listed above the following is important:

*Essential fatty acids (Omega 3, fish oils, etc.), Calcium, Magnesium, B-complex, Vitamin E, CoEnzyme Q10, electrolytes

*Regular exercise, stress and relaxation techniques, adequate rest, and avoidance of trans fats.

We’ll talk about 3 more systems tomorrow.

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1 Comment

  • Lenay

    Reply Reply July 5, 2013

    Sure, I would be interested in working with you. You can connect with me by sending me an email at lenayphillipps@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you. 🙂

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