Living With Concussions

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Concussions

I had a question the other day about concussions.

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to your head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes your brain inside your skull.

Although there may be cuts or bruises on your head or face, there may be no other visible signs of a brain injury.

You don’t have to pass out to have a concussion.

Some people will have obvious symptoms of a concussion, like passing out or forgetting what happened right before the injury.

But others won’t.

In rare cases, concussions cause more serious problems.

Repeated concussions or a severe concussion may require surgery or lead to long-lasting problems with movement, learning, or speaking.

Your brain is a soft organ that’s surrounded by spinal fluid and protected by your hard skull.

Normally, the fluid around your brain acts like a cushion that keeps your brain from banging into your skull.

But if your head or your body is hit hard, your brain can crash into your skull and be injured.

Symptoms of a concussion range from mild to severe and can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months.

Symptoms of a concussion fit into four main categories:

1.  Thinking and remembering

>Not thinking clearly

>Feeling slowed down

>Not being able to concentrate

>Not being able to remember new information

2.  Physical


>Fuzzy or blurry vision

>Nausea and vomiting


>Sensitivity to light or noise

>Balance problems

>Feeling tired or having no energy

3.  Emotional and mood

>Easily upset or angered


>Nervous or anxious

>More emotional

4.  Sleep

>Sleeping more than usual

>Sleeping less than usual

>Having a hard time falling asleep

Young children can have the same symptoms of a concussion as older children and adults.

But sometimes it can be hard to tell if a small child has a concussion.

Young children may also have symptoms like:

>Crying more than usual.

>Headache that doesn’t go away.

>Changes in the way they play or act.

>Changes in the way they nurse, eat, or sleep.

>Being upset easily or having more temper tantrums.

>A sad mood.

>Lack of interest in their usual activities or favorite toys.

>Loss of new skills, like toilet training.

>Loss of balance and trouble walking.

>Not being able to pay attention.

With rest, most people fully recover from a concussion.

Some people recover within a few hours.

Other people take a few weeks to recover.

To deal with concussions it’s beneficial to:

*Have a chiropractic or osteopathic evaluation.

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water every day.

*Get plenty of sleep at night and take it easy during the day.

*Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.

*Avoid activities that are physically or mentally demanding.

*Don’t drive a car, ride a bike, or operate machinery until medically cleared to do so.

*Use ice or a cold pack on any swelling for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin.

*Use stress release techniques.

*Consider a liver and/or colon cleanse.

*Look into craniosacral therapy.

*Exercise regularly.

*Breath deeply to oxygenate your cells.

*Consider hydrotherapy techniques.

*Maintain level blood sugars.


It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Stress Relief Complex, Pain Relief Complex, Performance, Calcium/Magnesium, B-Complex, DTX, Herb-Lax.

It’s important to use:  Alfalfa, Vitamin D, OmegaGuard, Lecithin, VitalMag, Optiflora, Vivix.

It’s beneficial to use:  Mental Acuity, CoQHeart, Gentle Sleep Complex, Stomach Soothing Complex, 180 Energy Tea.

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PS:  If you have any questions about concussions, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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