Living With Hepatitis

A Natural Approach To Health

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Living With Hepatitis

I had a question the other day about hepatitis.

“Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver.

Hepatitis A, B, and C, are distinct diseases and can be caused by viruses, medications and alcohol.

To determine which type you have you need a laboratory test.

Hepatitis A.

In most cases, the hepatitis A infection goes away on its own and doesn’t lead to long-term liver problems.

The hepatitis A virus is found in the stool of an infected person.

It’s spread when a person eats food or drinks water that has come in contact with infected stool.

Some things can raise your risk of getting hepatitis A, like eating raw oysters or undercooked clams.

You may also be at risk if you live with or have sex with someone who has hepatitis A.

After you’ve been exposed to the virus, it can take 2-7 weeks before you have symptoms.

Symptoms usually last for about 2 months but may last longer.

Common symptoms are:

>Feeling very tired.

>Feeling sick to your stomach and not feeling hungry.

>Losing weight without trying.

>Pain on the right side of your belly, under your rib cage (where your liver is).

>A fever.

>Sore muscles.

>Yellow skin (jaundice), dark urine, and clay-colored stools.

All forms of hepatitis have similar symptoms.

Hepatitis B.

Most adults who get hepatitis B have it for a short time and then get better.

This is called acute hepatitis B.

You can have hepatitis B and not know it.

But as long as you have the virus, you can spread it to others.

Sometimes the virus causes a long-term infection, called chronic hepatitis B.

Over time, it can damage your liver.

Babies and young children infected with the virus are more likely to get chronic hepatitis B.

It’s spread through contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected person.

You may get hepatitis B if you:

>Have sex with an infected person without using a condom.

>Share needles with an infected person.

>Get a tattoo or piercing with tools that weren’t cleaned well.

>Share personal items like razors or toothbrushes with an infected person.

A mother who has the virus can pass it to her baby during delivery.

You can’t get hepatitis B from casual contact like hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drinks.

Hepatitis C.

In time, it can lead to permanent liver damage as well as cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure.

Many people don’t know they have hepatitis C until they already have some liver damage.

This can take many years.

Some people who get hepatitis C have it for a short time and then get better.

This is called acute hepatitis C.

But most people who are infected with the virus go on to develop long-term, or chronic, hepatitis C.

Although hepatitis C can be very serious, most people can manage the disease and lead active, full lives.

It’s spread by contact with an infected person’s blood.

You can get hepatitis C in the same ways as hepatitis B.

Experts aren’t sure if you can get hepatitis C through sexual contact.

If there’s a risk of getting the virus through sexual contact, it’s very small.

You can’t get hepatitis C from casual contact like hugging, kissing, sneezing, coughing, or sharing food or drink.

Prevention is very important.

To deal with hepatitis it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily hydrates body and brain cells and flushes toxins (whether thirsty or not!).

*Fresh squeezed lemon juice added to water (warm or room temp) in morning is ideal, but anytime is helpful.

*Consider a liver, gallbladder and/or colon cleanse.

*Increase fresh, raw foods (organic when possible).

*Consider fresh juicing.

*Decrease toxic exposures of all kinds (food and environment).

*Decrease overeating at a meal (eat until almost full, then stop).

*Decrease being overweight; maintain an optimal weight.

*Decrease any and all hydrogenated, trans fat, deep-fried foods, etc.

*Decrease products that contain refined sugar.

*Decrease caffeine, soda pop, processed foods, and alcohol.

*Avoid MSG and all artificial sweeteners.


It is essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, DTX, Alfalfa, Optiflora, NutriFeron, CoQHeart, Herb-Lax, Fiber.

It is important to use:  Vitamin C, B-Complex, Lecithin, Vitamin D, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Vivix.

It is beneficial to use:  VitalMag, Vitamin E, Garlic, Immunity Formula, 180 Energy Tea.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about hepatitis, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.



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