Living with Hyperthyroidism

A Natural Approach To Health


Living With Hyperthyroidism

I had a question the other day about hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism means your thyroid makes too much thyroid hormone.

Your thyroid is a gland in the front of your neck.

It controls your metabolism, which is how your body turns food into energy.

It also affects your heart, muscles, bones, and cholesterol.

Having too much thyroid hormone can make a lot of things in your body speed up.

You may lose weight quickly, have a fast heartbeat, sweat a lot, or feel nervous and moody.

Or you may have no symptoms at all.

Many times, hyperthyroidism is found while testing for something else.

Graves’ disease causes most hyperthyroidism.

In Graves’ disease, the body’s natural defense (immune) system attacks the thyroid gland.

The thyroid fights back by making too much thyroid hormone.

Like many thyroid problems, it often runs in families.

Sometimes hyperthyroidism is caused by a swollen thyroid or small growths in the thyroid called thyroid nodules.

Symptoms may include:

>Feeling nervous, moody, weak, or tired.

>Your hands may shake, your heart may beat fast, or you may have problems breathing.

>You may be hot and sweaty or have warm, red, itchy skin.

>You may have more bowel movements than usual.

>You may have fine, soft hair that is falling out.

>You may lose weight even though you eat the same or more than usual.

If you have any of these symptoms, call your health care provider.

Without treatment, hyperthyroidism can lead to heart problems, bone problems, and a dangerous condition called thyroid storm.

Hyperthyroidism is easily treated.

With treatment, you can lead a healthy life.

 To deal with hyperthyroidism it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily to hydrate and flush toxins.

*Avoid fluoride and chlorine (filter your tap water) as these can upset iodine levels.

*Heavy metals, particularly mercury from amalgams may affect iodine levels.

*Avoid MSG and all artificial sweeteners.

*Avoid toxins, chemicals, pesticides, etc., as these can affect thyroid hormones and function.

*Check adrenal function.

*Chronic stress, inflammation and illness can affect function.

*Consider liver cleanse.

*Investigate “hidden” allergies.

*The hormone communication system throughout our body is very complex and can easily be “thrown off” by various chemical influences.

*This “malfunctioning” in turn can affect numerous systems throughout the body resulting in any number of symptoms and/or weight issues.

*The spirulina coating on the VitaLea tablet contains essential nutrients to feed and support the thyroid.

*Eat food rich in iodine, like kelp and sea vegetables.

*Exercise, rebounding on a mini-trampoline.

*Research and address underlying Candida issues.

*Avoid dairy products.

*Avoid stimulants like coffee, tea, soda pop, alcohol, and nicotine.


It is essential to use:  VitaLea, Protein, B-Complex, GarlicGLA/ OmegaGuard, Vitamin C.

It is important to use:  Vitamin D, Vivix, Vitamin E, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, Alfalfa, Optiflora.

It is beneficial to use:  EZ-Gest.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about hyperthyroidism, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.



  • Murali Vanishree

    Reply Reply February 1, 2014

    I too suffered from hyperthyroidism and got rid of it using natural and alternative remedies.Thanx for sharing and let us fight hyperthyroidism naturally.

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