Living With Hypohidrosis

A Natural Approach To Health

no sweat

Living With Hypohidrosis

I had a question the other day about hypohidrosis.

Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself off.

Some people aren’t able to sweat normally because their sweat glands don’t functioning properly.

This is known as hypohidrosis or anhidrosis.

It can affect your entire body, a single area, or scattered areas.

The inability to sweat normally can cause overheating, which can lead to heat stroke—a potentially fatal condition.

Hypohidrosis can be difficult to diagnose; mild hypohidrosis often goes unnoticed.

The condition has many causes.

It can be inherited or develop later in life.

As you age, a diminished ability to sweat is normal.

Conditions that damage your nerves, like diabetes, also make problems with your sweat glands more likely.

Skin disorders that inflame your skin can also affect your sweat glands.

Some people inherit a damaged gene that causes them to have sweat gland problems or no sweat glands at all.

Any condition that causes nerve damage can disrupt the functioning of your sweat glands.

This includes:

>Ross syndrome



>Parkinson’s disease

>multiple system atrophy


>Sjögren’s syndrome

>small cell lung cancer

>Fabry disease

>Horner syndrome

Skin damage from severe burns can permanently damage sweat glands.

Other sources of damage include radiation, trauma, infection, and inflammation.

Certain medications can also reduce sweating.

Heat stroke also causes a reduction in sweating.

Symptoms of hypohidrosis include:

>scant perspiration, even when other people are perspiring heavily


>muscle cramps or weakness

>flushed appearance

>feeling overly hot

Mild hypohidrosis may go unnoticed unless you engage in vigorous exercise and become overheated because you’re not perspiring normally.

Hypohidrosis that affects only a small part of your body usually won’t cause problems and may not require treatment.

If an underlying medical condition is causing hypohidrosis, your health care professional will treat that condition.

That may reduce your symptoms.

If medications are causing your hypohidrosis, your health care professional may recommend trying another medication or reducing your dosage.

While this isn’t always possible, adjusting medications may help to improve sweating.

It may not be possible to prevent hypohidrosis, but you can take steps to avoid serious illnesses related to overheating.

Wear loose clothing and don’t overdress when it’s hot.

Stay inside if possible, and take care not to overexert yourself when it’s hot.

You can also take steps to cool your body off and avoid overheating.

This includes applying water or cool cloths to your skin to simulate sweating.

When the water evaporates, you will feel cooler.

If left untreated, hypohidrosis can cause your body to overheat.

Overheating requires quick treatment to prevent it from worsening into heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

To deal with hypohidrosis it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water to hydrate and flush toxins (whether thirsty or not).

*Eat lots of life-giving, enzyme and nutrient-rich, fresh, raw fruits and veggies daily (organic whenever possible); consider juicing.

*Ensure optimal, quality protein intake.

*Consider a liver, gallbladder, and/or colon cleanse.

*Relax, eat slowly, chew well, appreciate your food.

*Exercise; deep breathing; relaxation techniques.

*Research herbs, homeopathy, energy medicine.

*Investigate possible triggers/sensitivities (environmental and or food).  Often dairy, wheat, or your favorite foods.

*Eliminate processed, instant, sugar-laden, chemical-laden, hydrogenated/trans fat-laden, “lifeless” foods.

*Avoid caffeine, nicotine, soda pop.

*Understand any side-effects of any medications.


It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Optiflora, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, AlfalfaB-Complex, Garlic.

It’s important to use:  Vivix, CarotoMax and/or FlavoMax, GLA, OmegaGuardLecithin, Zinc, VitalMagDTX .

It’s beneficial to use:  NutriFeron, Immunity Formula, CoQHeart, Herb-Lax, CorEnergy, 180 Energizing Tea.

us 05-11


PS:  If you have any questions about hypohidrosis, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.


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