Living With Osteoporosis

A Natural Approach To Health





Living With Osteoporosis

I had a question the other day about osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a common disease weakening your bones and increasing your risk of unexpected fractures.

Your bones become thin, lose structure, and become fragile.

No matter what your age or sex, osteoporosis can affect you.

Osteoporosis is a quiet thief.

There are usually no visible signs.

Chances are good the first sign you’ll have will be a broken bone.

Bone loss with osteoporosis occurs over many years and can become severe.

It may be so severe the normal stress from sitting, standing, coughing, or even hugging can result in painful fractures and immobility.

Then, after the first fracture, you’re at risk for more fractures.

These future fractures may cause you to live with daily chronic pain and disability.

It’s not known exactly what causes osteoporosis.

Peak bone mass is when you have the maximum amount of bone mass you’ll ever have.

For most people, it’s usually during the third decade of life.

Then the process of rebuilding new bone changes.

New bone is made at a slower rate.

Risk factors for developing osteoporosis include family history, gender, age, bone structure, body weight, history of fractures, smoking, and some medications.

To deal with osteoporosis it’s beneficial to:

*Drink 6-8 cups of purified water daily.

*Alfalfa, barley grass, dandelion root, nettle, parsley, poke root, rose hips, and yucca help to build strong bones.

*Oat straw contains silica, which helps your body absorb calcium.

*Red clover may mimic the effects of estrogen by slowing the degenerative breakdown of bone mass.

*Common herbs like sage, rosemary, and thyme can slow the breakdown of bone (don’t use sage if you any type of seizure disorder).

*Eat plenty of foods high in calcium and vitamin D.  The most potent sources are dairy products, but not all dairy has vitamin D.  Check the label, as calcium and vitamin D should be consumed at the same time.

*Good sources of easily assimilated calcium include broccoli, chestnuts, clams, dandelion greens, most dark green leafy vegetables, flounder, hazelnuts, kale, kelp, molasses, oats, oysters, salmon, sardines (with the bones), sea vegetables, sesame seeds, shrimp, soybeans, tahini, tofu, turnip greens, and wheat germ.

*Eat whole grains and calcium foods at different times.  Whole grains contain a substance that binds with calcium and prevents its uptake.  Take calcium at bedtime, when it’s best absorbed and also helps with sleeping.

*Include garlic and onions in your diet, as well as eggs (if your cholesterol level isn’t too high).  These foods contain sulfur, which is needed for healthy bones.

*Avoid phosphate-containing drinks and foods like soft drinks and alcohol.  Avoid smoking, sugar, and salt.  Limit your consumption of citrus fruits and tomatoes; these foods may inhibit calcium intake.

*Avoid yeast products.  Yeast is high in phosphorus, which competes with calcium for absorption by your body.

*Include a calcium supplement in your daily regimen.

*Vitamin K1, found in dark green vegetables like kale, cooked greens, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, and some lettuces, slows bone loss.  Continue to eat foods high in vitamin K.

*Keep active, and exercise regularly.  A lack of exercise can result in the loss of calcium, but this can be reversed with sensible exercise.  Walking is probably the best exercise for maintaining bone mass.  Other activities strengthening bones include dancing, tennis, stair climbing, aerobics, skating, and weight lifting.

*Lose weight to take some pressure off your joints; you can follow my weight loss blog at

*Eat fresh (not canned) pineapple and/or papaya because they contain enzymes to reduce inflammation.

If you’re dealing with osteoporosis, try these (100% money-back guarantee):

It’s essential to use:  Vita-Lea, Protein, Calcium/Magnesium, Vitamin D, Alfalfa, OmegaGuard, GLA.

It’s important to use:  B-Complex, Vitamin C, VitalMag, Optiflora, Zinc.

It’s beneficial to use:  CoQHeart, EZ-Gest, Vivix, Joint Health Complex, Pain Relief Complex.

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PS:  If you have any questions about osteoporosis, and would like to know how supplements can help, give us a call at 715-431-0657.  We’re here to help.



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