The Lymphatic System
The cleanup and defense members of the immune system (antibodies and lymphocytes) travel through the body by lymphatic fluid. Toxins and wastes are picked up and delivered to lymph nodes and lymph organs to be processed. This system can’t pump like the heart, so circulation of this fluid depends on gravity and movement. That…
The War in Your Body
The specific immune response differs from the inflammatory response we talked about earlier because it is the body’s response to specific antigens. An antigen is anything foreign to our immune system, like bacteria, viruses, and allergic substances. This defense system uses antibodies specifically designed to target and attack one particular invader. It uses white…
Nature’s Brilliance
You probably didn’t realize, or even think about, the brilliant work that goes into creating a scab, making replacement tissues, and healing a bruise or injury. All this miraculously happens without any conscious effort on our part. Obviously this process works on the minor invasions just fine. With a more invasive attack, like a…
The Body’s Military Forces
Your body is always working towards optimal health. It has an internal wisdom that knows what to do in case of injury or invasion of any virus or bacteria. As long as these injuries or invasions aren’t too overwhelming the body does just fine on its own. It knows how to make its own…
Balancing Blood Sugar Levels
Here are some tips about how you can balance your blood sugar (glucose) levels: 1. Eat smaller amounts, more often. Spread your food intake more evenly throughout the day. 2. Add some type of protein to each meal or snack. 3. Eat complex carbohydrates (whole grain products, vegetables, etc.). 4. Avoid sugar, simple carbohydrates…
Problems With Blood Sugar Metabolism
Problems with blood sugar metabolism start when the insulin your pancreas makes tries to attach to your cells and can’t. If your cells are damaged, not working right, or missing insulin receptors your insulin can’t attach and do what it’s suppose to do. Depending on the amount of damage, only some insulin will actually…

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