Living With Wilson’s Disease
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Wilson’s Disease I had a question the other day about Wilson’s disease. Wilson’s disease is a rare inherited disorder affecting approximately 1 in 40,000 people worldwide. With Wilson’s disease, your body can’t metabolize the trace element copper like it should. This causes excess copper to accumulate in your…
Living With Underweight
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Underweight I had a question the other day about underweight. Some people are thinner than average all their lives and are perfectly healthy. But for others, underweight may be associated with health problems. This is particularly true if the condition results from unintended, maybe sudden, weight loss. Unintended…
Living With a Tumor
A Natural Approach To Health Living With a Tumor I had a question the other day about a tumor. A tumor, or neoplasm, is an abnormal new growth of tissue. It may be just in one area or in many areas in your body. Tumors can appear anywhere in or on your body, and can…
Living With Tooth Decay
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Tooth Decay I had a question the other day about tooth decay. Tooth decay ties the common cold as the most prevalent human disorder. It’s not a natural process, as many people believe, but a bacterial disease. This bacteria can enter your bloodstream and cause other problems in…
Living With Sprains and Strains
A Natural Approach to Health Living With Sprains and Strains I had a question the other day about sprains and strains. A sprain isn’t the same thing as a strain. If your muscle is stressed beyond its capability, it becomes strained. Putting undue weight on your muscles and using them for prolonged periods without rest…
Living With Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings
A Natural Approach To Health Living With Spider Bites and Scorpion Stings I had a question the other day about spider bites and scorpion stings. The bites of all spiders can be poisonous and painful. But, most spiders aren’t big enough to cause serious harm. Infants, older adults, and people who have allergies are at…
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