Personal Care Products or Toxic Hazards?

     Have you ever stopped to think about just what is in all those personal care products you use? In the “old days” anything we put on our body, from lotions to cosmetics to soaps, was made from natural ingredients.  Perfumes were made from flowers or herbs.  But now, with the onslaught of chemical formulations,…

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Consequences of Inadequate Nutrition

How does malnutrition affect our health and lead to disease? Malnutrition develops when the quality and quantity of nutrients are not enough to support the body’s energy and life support systems.  A series of events occurs beginning with the imbalance and deficiency of nutrients.  This causes the cells to starve, weaken, and malfunction.  Toxins accumulate,…

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Toxins are in our soil, food, water, air, and medications SOIL Mother Nature provides a wealth of nutrients for our survival, health, and longevity.  Nutrients from the earth are picked up by plants, which are processed naturally with the aid of sunlight to become the essential nutrients for our cells, tissues, and organs. Minerals such…

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Lifestyle, Stress and Priorities

Do we have enough time or only priorities? Because of our hectic lifestyles, we eat on the run. We don’t seem to make enough time to rest, relax, and plan healthy meals.  Television influences our food choices, as do school lunch menus.  Children are particularly vulnerable to these influences.  This is unfortunate because this is…

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