Basic Nutrition Truths

      To learn how nutrition can improve health, let’s first look at some basic nutrition truths: 1.  You are what you eat.  Every human body has the same basic nutrition needs for protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, water, and oxygen.  We get nutrients from the foods and drinks we consume.  Organic, naturally grown, unprocessed, unrefined…

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We Need to Get Fit, Not Fat

Inactivity causes accelerated aging, but regular physical activity reverses it! Nothing holds as much promise for sustained health as a lifetime program of physical exercise.  Regular physical activity positively impacts your health and longevity.  It can prevent, as well as reverse, premature or accelerated aging, especially when combined with proper diet and sensible supplementation.  Young…

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How Can We Detoxify?

·   This is what I recommend:        -Reduce or eliminate toxins in your diet.  Avoid highly processed foods.  Eat foods as close to nature as possible.  Buy organic foods. ·         –Use environmentally safe cleaning products. ·         –Purify the air in your home and workplace.  Do not smoke. ·         –Drink purified water in large amounts. ·        …

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TOXINS, part 2

Let’s continue our discussion about where toxins come from.  Yesterday we talked about soil, food and water.  We will finish up today with air and medications. AIR Tobacco smoke, heaters, air conditioners, household cleaners, detergents, and deodorizers are common sources of indoor pollution at home and in the workplace.  Appliances, such as refrigerators, computers, and…

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Toxins are in our soil, food, water, air, and medications SOIL Mother Nature provides a wealth of nutrients for our survival, health, and longevity.  Nutrients from the earth are picked up by plants, which are processed naturally with the aid of sunlight to become the essential nutrients for our cells, tissues, and organs. Minerals such…

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Lifestyle, Stress and Priorities

Do we have enough time or only priorities? Because of our hectic lifestyles, we eat on the run. We don’t seem to make enough time to rest, relax, and plan healthy meals.  Television influences our food choices, as do school lunch menus.  Children are particularly vulnerable to these influences.  This is unfortunate because this is…

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