Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids    Why are “good” fats and Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) needed in our diet? 1.  Your body needs healthy fat for: *Hormones *Cushioning body organs and keeping you warm *Energy (energy value of fat is actually double that of carbohydrates or protein) *Healthy brain, heart, nerve tissues *Healthy skin, nails, hair, bones…

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Our Energy Body and Our Health

     What does our energy body have to do with our health? In the same way we notice our energy fields reacting emotionally to people or places, we also react physically.  We may have reactions like: *An immediate headache, digestive reactions, or physical tension. *A relaxation of symptoms when in the present of someone you…

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Muscular, Urinary, Reproductive, and Sensory Systems

   Muscular System What does the muscular system do for us and what organs are involved?  Our muscles give us movement and posture.  They give us facial expression and body language.  Muscle movement both produces and burns energy.  Muscles are attached to bones with tendons.  It is important to remember that muscle is the main…

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Respiratory, Skin and Skeletal Systems

  Respiratory System What does the respiratory system do for us and what organs are involved?  We have trillions of cells in our body and they are in constant need of lots of oxygen.  Without oxygen we are in immediate danger.  The respiratory system works together with the cardiovascular system to supply oxygen and remove…

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Nervous System and Chiropractic

     The body’s nervous system is amazing.  It receives, reads, interprets and responds to stimuli quickly and with specific signals that cause practically immediate responses.  Your body uses thousands of bits of information all at the same time, all throughout the body, and always maintains homeostasis.  The nervous system controls everything from digestion to metabolism…

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The Nervous System

     Most of us have heard the term homeostasis, but do you know what it means?  It is an important idea.  It basically means unchanging.  Homeostasis is a state of body equilibrium or a stable internal environment of the body. The body is in an ever-changing state, but health requires that certain limits are always…

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